YAY! the exams are finally over and i'm halfway done with YEAR2! maths paper was certainly a KILLER. RAWR! x))
my hair is... umms, well, nice okay. hahaha.
going to KL on friday, for the mega sales. like the last three days of it, i'm so typical singaporean la. doing up my shopping list now. (without budget) holidays are here and there's so much to do, planning to meet up with my lollipops soon. x) it has been a long time, month august has no pictures of lollipops if you all have realised.
anyway, here's a proper update. my cousin got herself a pet hamster, just one pathetic hamster and she's so PROUD OF IT. like come'on i had dozens of them when i was her age. seriously, i pity the hamster, just look at it later. i so wish to do the hamster a favour by throwing it out of the window from the 11floor. free it of all the torture once and for all. :D
i've been eating macdonalds' for the past few days, ooo, i'm going to gain some weight now but i'm still weighing at feather weight of 56kg! :D beams* and i'm standing at 181cm! isn't that freaking cool? ohwell, lets digress. no NO no NO no, go back to macdonalds'. YEAP! i always have this weird habit of eating the ice-cream cone, YAYAYA the 50cents NO LONGER, its FREAKING 60cents now and they still claim SAME GREAT PRICE. written bigbig in red and yellow on their signboard OKAY. so, they can't sue me because i'm simply using what they are using themselves. x))
okay next, do you know AMK Hub is like the in-est thing now? like everybody hangs out there now. i go there at 8am in the morning and there is already a crowd, HOW WONDERFUL! my foot man, fighting over space with me. but AMK Hub sure has alot of surprises, Coffee Bean is coming up soon and something amazing, AMK Hub has a CLUB. YEAH CLUB, its spelt as C-L-U-B. YAYAYA! don't say huh? or drop your jaw. come come i show you. i think probably only aunties and cheekopek would patronise them. RAWR! the thing is before their opening time there's already a queue. LAWL! ROFL! have i mention the jackpot room in AMK Hub? fucking hilarious. AMK Casino. LOL LOL LOL!
YES! Scarlet City, please go laugh your balls off and if you don't have any then laugh your tits off. HAHAHAHAHA! x))
our sweet second month coming soon. can't help loving you more and more <3
i'm fucking sad now. i lost the new Samsung phone my dad bought for me yesterday. i'm fucking sad!! it has only been a day, i emphasize again; ONE FUCKING DAY!
i don't wish to tell my dad about it, i've lost too many phones. anyone can lend me his/her spare phone? feeling broke enough and yet i've to fork out another 30 odd dollars for the new sim card.
i have a 2week study break, already begun. 3 more papers to go!!! maths is the ultimate killer, WHO CAN GIVE ME TUITION?! i don't want to have a D grade for maths.
i went for SA concert on saturday anyway, its called "Saints In Presentation Night" like wth, so copycat. LOL! anyway, the bands were good, especially finale band.
batch photo! x))
only me and sinteck didn't perform AND of course mok.(he was the emcee, one man show okay). the rest of the batch was MIA. so yeah. sinteck and zuan should seriously stop smoking! i mean, they look like some kopitiam uncle. anyway, overall nice concert! i like the encore piece! saints hallelujah. wheeeeee!
i tried to study OperatingSystemManagement today! my next upcoming paper. only managed to do chapter1 because there's so little motivation for me to study SO EARLY! and amanda haven't started! no worries x))
me and emily had Fish&Co for dinner @ AMKHub! we ordered seafood platter for 2, i TRIED to finish everything okay! but i didn't, gosh, it felt like i just ate an elephant and i'm going to be full for the next ten days.
that's my girl and as usual, lots of talks over dinner. hahahaha! we want to live in a bigbig house with the whole family! (:
that's kitty down there, she's very camera shy just like my bearbear. always look away when i try to take a picture.
ANYWAY, i had a haircut just now. chopped off my fringe and back, suppose to look more decent and less ahbeng now. x)) compare the difference, the decent smile with the ahbeng hair and the fierce look with the decent hair.
its because you don't get the attention you used to get, emo is just a lousy excuse. am i right, who agrees? those who disagrees then fuck off lor. some fortunate few are given attention and love but chooses to deny themselves of it and sink into sadness/darkness, they are just... plain stupid and a tinge of pathetic for extra punch. x))
-an outcast out·cast1 /ˈaʊtˌkæst, -ˌkɑst/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[out-kast, -kahst] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. a person who is rejected or cast out, as from home or society: In the beginning the area was settled by outcasts, adventurers, and felons. 2. a homeless wanderer; vagabond. 3. rejected matter; refuse. –adjective 4. cast out, as from one's home or society: an outcast son. 5. pertaining to or characteristic of an outcast: outcast misery. 6. rejected or discarded: outcast opinions.
not someone who chooses to be alone and limit themselves to selected individuals/groups.
to someone, i guess i'd keep you anonymous. so you said you haven't forgotten me and you still make the effort to meet me. whenever i need you then i call you? what about you? you don't even bother. x) i always treated you as my friend, i've been the most frank and truthful to you. you said i'm not forgotten and i'm a important friend. PUI! if this is your meaning of important then unimportant has a new meaning. i think you have issues man, seriously if you still want to argue, just go to hell and fuck off and don't talk to me until you're downright fucked up and done with your new friends. x)
oh, clearasil(clearer skin in three days) yah right, fourth day already still big like some DUMPLING. propaganda adv.
so let's just pretend that i wake up at 9am every morning and i'd go to bed by 1am. (: so i'd have sufficient amount of sleep, 8hours the minimum. so when i wake up at 9am, i have to laze in bed for half an hour and only after that would i finally go wash up. i take 45mins to brush my teeth, don't ask why. i will walk around the whole house with while brushing with the toothbrush in my mouth and then i'd floss before that which is 15mins, which is 1hour altogether for basin time. i do things very slow can! so by then what time already? and i'd need to shower! i must shower every morning or else i'd feel off the whole day, take about 30mins to shampoo my hair because my hair is like tangled up rubber bands in the morning; probably another 5mins to condition. AND deciding what to wear every morning! omgosh, headache la. my mom put my clothes all the way into the cabinet, so deep can, feel as if its lucky draw. >< next, i've to spend time with my pimples, so that they wouldn't miss me and they'd go away FOREVER! I'M NOT LIKE SOME PEOPLE WHO HAS PERFECT COMPLEXION. must put pimple cream and moisturizer. then blow dry my hair, then wax, then must align it into place. then must spray hair-fix. hmmm~ then one last look in the mirror, wah! okay. x)) then have to pack my bag and YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING IRRITATING IS IT TO HAVE RETAINERS! argh, i have to spend extra time to wash them and put them in the stupid container. like one set of teeth isn't enough, i've to brush TWO SETS. omg, and today morning, the school just opposite my house, their band was warming up at 7am! omg 7am la! i get to hear Bb scale in the morning, wow! horrible! as i was getting ready, i could hear the national anthem, ultimate cocked up, with wrong notes everywhere, YAY! majulah singapura yeah!. then some cheebye started rapping after the anthem, most probably indian because the accent was very distinct/heavy. the most random thing that happens every morning is my neighbour's chicken, aye? rooster lah. cockadoodadoo every morning, for a million times. KILL IT AND EAT IT FOR BREAKFAST! irritating. who keeps a CHICKEN nowadays? and he fucking walks the chicken la macham dog and NO! don't fucking talk to the bloody chicken cause THEY don't fucking understand you. then i'd have to walk to the bus stop and wait for service45 which takes another million years to come because i always miss the bus, SHIT MAN! there's always random things on the floor that i need to dodge which like affect my speed abit. ahhh! what things right? come, i give you preview. yeah, thanks. if i do this for another few more years, i can be a resident PRO in dodgeballS. where are the pimples right? forehead. i can't live without photoshop. i do so much and take forever to get ready in the morning just to look presentable, so actually there's no ugly people but lazy people. LOL! i sounded so KNS! imagine what happens when i come home in the evening? i repeat the routine okay! i thank god that the rooster doesn't cock at night or else i'd seriously jump off the building. YEAP! about the chicken, idk alright! IT'S JUST FUCKING WEIRD. :D
drawing up my study calendar, hoping to do better this semester. anyway, go down to paragon tomorrow 5th august at 4pm! SA alumni band would be performing.
watch the video please! will it kill you to let it load? very fast one la, 3minutes at most. x)) its 'unwritten' the ending when the girls harmonised, was so nice! ><
our first month, you'd always be the one in my heart(:
true love is your soul recognition of it's counter point and another.
serious in intention,purpose or effort and sincerly zealous.
show me depth in sincerity or feelings.
i'm seriously important, demanding and need your attention.
define ernest if you can.