Friday, June 19, 2009

you all must be wondering wtf, heh. i mean, after so long and just a video update? seriously is that all? yes! i just answered my own question. :) i have been wanting to blog but i just can't seem to sit down and focus my attention on updating but i just had to put this song here. oh bummer

surely one can never forget his or her first love.
remember the first time you felt something tingling inside your heart, that feeling that you can't describe. it is almost like an itch that you can't seem to get rid of.
remember the first time you want to feel close to that special someone and how easy you blushed, how embarassed you felt when both of you shared a silly moment. you would never give that up in exchange for anything because it is these moments that brought you both closer together.

remember how innocent and simple love used to be.
but as time passes you got hurt and as you became numb loving was never that easy anymore. it gets worse, complications, lies and deceptions.
so do you remember your first love?
i'm sure we all do but by now, we have all learned to let go and move on quite easily.

it's almost like a turn of tables.
how dsyfunctional we all can be, heh.
GROW UP (blame it on that).


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