Monday, November 26, 2007

Posted on October 20th 2007.

hmmm, its always nice to be in love but some people got hurt badly in their previous relationship and now once bitten twice shy, are scared to venture.
if you're hurt, what would you do? some has shut off from their friends and try to screw their own life up as if its not screwed up enough. some try looking for a substitute, so that to get over and move on quicker.

wtf? people say get over it, people say move on. if one is to take a week to get over someone, that one would be labelled as frivolous. then again, if one is to take a year to get over someone, that one would be labelled as foolish. tell me then, what is most appropriate?

so tell me again, who're you to judge? then again, who're we to judge what is right and what is wrong? and if you people have the mindset that, i'm more pure than you in that case i've more right to judge. i say, fuck off, i'd give you a bigbig fuck off. _l_

i repeated this post on purpose, because some fucktards are blind.


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