Thursday, September 25, 2008

since my entries are ever so mundane and also it is not everytime i would come to a convention with myself of what is and what's not in my life. i am here now, writing something that is heartfelt. i will try to be clear without tainting the story i feel, too much.

so let me start by saying, i've been hurt alot throughout these nineteen years of my life. people usually don't take me seriously, on the facade i may appear or seem to be carefree and happpy-go-lucky along with my never ending train of nonsense but on the inside they don't see beyond the depth of the blue waters as it gets darker with every step closer into. but i've also given hurt alot, everything in life has its balance. what you reap is what you sow, same meaning.

pain is what we keep most close to the heart. unable to let go of it completely to see what's on the other side. prolonged and gotten too used to this pain my friend, it will be harder and longer for you or anyone to let go then. and here is what i really want to say tonight,

it is so silly.
but sometimes we let ourselves get in the way of what we love so dearly.

i will no longer, let my bad thoughts hinder and hamper myself no more. it deters me from what i have lost of that i had before; but it will not again for what i have now.

goodbye e, once or twice was enough because i have found me now. ambiguous i may practice with animosity.


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