Sunday, November 2, 2008


Singapore's botanic garden is one hella of a humid place. there is nothing GARDENISH about it at all other than the fact there was alot of ornaments, i feel like i was in a jungle. there was no wind at all, for a second i thought i was going to feel a breeze but no; not even a fart. but there is a solution to this problem! bring a fan next time. :D

anyway, we got there pretty late and it was getting dark. so there wasn't alot of time to explore the park and take peektures. :(( but marcus took one before the sun completely set.


nice aye? the colours of the sky is fake, i added it in of course. hahaha! sunday is a boring day, i sit around doing nothing more of lying than sitting. i'm such a bummer on sundays. alright, going over to my grandparent's place for dinner soon and dreading for the new week to begin. WEEK 10! still hanging in there.



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