Sunday, November 16, 2008


i know right? the dorothy perkins manequin is looking so divalicious.
went on a shopping outing with the girls on saturday. i didn't know shopping was so difficult until i went out with them. we went to chinatown somemore, it was uber crowded!! flooded with uncles and more aunties than uncles. zomg, it was almost like a fish market but without the fish smell.

we walked by this stall selling cockroach traps and they used real living cockroaches for demonstration. it was super repulsive and i was soooooooo disgusted, the sticky paper was like filled with roaches still struggling, ew ew ew. soooooooo unhygienic!


then we saw a black labrador puppy that belongs to someone and they were actually considering on taking it back. heh, so funny.


the day ended fast, we didn't even have enough time to go little india for face threading. sigh, i want. heh!





on another note, i think i am eating too much recently. damn it luh, how ah? i can't stop eating alot. i need to start working out daily soon! after this week! last week of fyp. wish me luck for my final presentation on tuesday and my upcoming internship. :)


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