Wednesday, November 19, 2008

i feel like as if i'm floating on air right now, i have never felt this relieved before, even after going to the toilet for big business. so anyway, i am here to do a short update as there will still be school until this friday. fyp schedule is still as per normal, so i guess i will be doing almost close to nothing for the coming few days.

oh! and the sad news is, i don't get any break or whatsoever because i am going to start my attachment on monday next week. there will be a briefing tomorrow in school particularly on this matter and i guess i will find out where i would be posted to. and i hope and hope with all my might that i would get attached to a good company! fingers crossed* :)

many may heard of this song already, in fact if you haven't heard/heard of this song then you are out of this world man. Britney Spears - Womanizer. i found a cover sung by david choi, heh. my favourite version of Over the Rainbow is sung by him as well. super sweets. :D

as much i love britney's version, i find his version super nice and i might like his version a little more. :X

lastly, some photos that i left out the previous entry. i forgotten that i wanted to post them, as i was getting very sleepy already then; plus i was quite pressed for time too. i like emo photos alot!




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